Moodle Implementation Coming Soon
Posted on Aug 30, 2020
I haven’t been feeling it lately, so I am going to take a small detour on the site. I’m getting away from what have been my current theological work as well as Biblical history and archeology. In its place, I am going to do a little technical work and set up a Learning Management System that I want to supplement the site.
Moodle is the most popular LMS and is also open source software. Assuming that an on-line classroom environment is introduced to EastviewConnect, it should be easy to find persons and material to teach others to use the system, as well as additional functionality and fun plug-ins enhancing the system.
Although Moodle is easy to setup, integrating it into or with other systems are not generally straightforward. As such, I expect to have to install and set it up then wipe it out and start over until I get it functioning the way I like or is acceptable. This won’t affect EastviewConnect itself since the LMS will be an add-on to it.
Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, I’ll be finished with the LMS integration and return to EastviewConnect’s core mission, that of Creation, evolution and science.
Be patient and Be Blessed everyone. Thanks.