DISMANTLED by real science!
Posted on Oct 7, 2020
Here’s a great opportunity.
A free movie/documentary called “Dismantled: A scientific deconstruction of evolution”. I think the title is kinda a spoiler for the movie but I’ll continue as if it isn’t.
As many of you know, I have strong interest in Creation/Evolution apologetics and have listened to several lectures and read many books and articles from authors that will be featured (some of which are mentioned in the resources portion of the eastviewconnect.org website).
Dr John Sanford and Dr Georgia Purdom are two very enthusiastic and entertaining speakers. Dr Jason Lisle is a very young Astrophysicist, while Dr Andrew Snelling, a geologist, could use some learning in English speaking (actually, I’m poking a little fun here as he is Australian and has the British English accent). I’m unfamiliar with Dr Robert Carter, Dr John Sanford, Dr Nathaniel Jeanson and Christopher Rupe.
Look at that list of Doctors. It’s a wonder any Christian is ever sick. Not that kind of doctor? Well, look, all but one is a Dr/PhD (I guess the one is the janitor or butler or something like that).
But Bill Nye the Science guy said Christians can’t be scientist or doctors! Christians need to face the facts and leave the antiquated ‘holy book’ that they blindly follow behind.
Well, certainly Christians can be scientists just as well. And scientists that un-biasedly will actually use the empirical scientific, they’ll see that science doesn’t proof evolution. On the same token, science doesn’t prove creation.
So what am I saying? Let’s look at the facts and data. If they can neither prove nor deny creation or evolution, then what good are they? Let’s watch the movie/documentary and see. Let’s let you look at the evidence and then you determine which makes more sense. More information can be found at the link on the bottom of this post.
Note – I haven’t seen this movie/documentary yet so (going against my nature) cannot comment, review, recommend it nor criticize it. Yet
FREE one-time weekend premiere October 9–11.
Check their website for times and viewing details.
Look for other creation/evolution related articles, news, posts and information at www.eastviewconnect.org.