Last updated on Aug 11, 2020
There are gods and there is God. Note the upper and lower case of each. There are two types of gods. One is referred to as anything that you desire, lust and spend an enormant amount of time trying to acquire; material things, man-made idols, and even people. The second types of god are those of mythology. They were born, they lived, and then they died or could be killed; in essence they were mortal beings with some form of super powers.
There is no shortage of gods in the world today, just as there wasn’t in Biblical days. The actual idols may not be as prevalent, they do still exist, primarily in the Eastern cultures. In Western cultures they have been replaced with money, material collections, Hollywood divas,
A God, with an upper case ‘G’ is a true eternal being. Credit is often given to God for the creation of everything, the consistency of the functional universe, and the eventual judgement on the created. There are fewer Gods then there are gods. Jehovah and Allah are the primary 2.
How do you determine which God is the real God, if there is one? I contend that a real God would have to be everlasting, all-powerful, all-knowing, inerrant, truthful, consistent and reliable. Some Gods meet some of these criteria but only one meets them all. His name is Jehovah.
Who is God?
God stakes His claim in Exodus 3:14. Here He says that He is all that there is. He needs no one to confirm Him, He needs nothing from anyone or anything. He is everything (not the same thing as Naturalistic) and nothing that is exists without Him. In Exodus 20:2, He makes His claim to be Israel’s God and leader, which ultimately means everyone’s God (Isaiah 49:6, Genesis 12:3, Psalm 67:2-3, Mark 11:17).
The attributes of God
Eternal - Psalm 90:2
Transcendence - Isaiah 57:15
Omnipotence - Matthew 19:26
Omniscience - Romans 16:27
Omnipresence - Psalm 139:8
Sovereign - Isaiah 46:10
Spirit - John 4:24
Oneness - Deuteronomy 6:4
He needs nothing, also called Aseity - Acts 17:25
Incomprehensible - Isaiah 40:28
Unchanging - James 1:17
Holy - Isaiah 6:3
Righteous - Romans 1:17
The Epitome of Love - 1 John 4:8
He is Gracious - Exodus 34:5-6
God is Good and exemplifies or is the standard of goodness - Romans 11:22
Providence - Acts 17:25
Unable to Sin - Hebrews 6:18
Jealousy - Exodus 20:5
God of Wrath - Exodus 15:7, John 3:36
Names of God
Similar to attributes, The Names that God gives Himself or that other impose on Him help to describe and give a fuller understanding of who He is and His nature. I will just give a list of names and verses where these can be found. See below for more information on the Names of God. The groups below are just an attempt to make them more readable. Also, these are the names of God and of the Father. I will attempt to separate them out later.
Bible verse Tooltips need to be added. I will do so at a later date.
Abba, Father – Mark 14:36, Almighty God – Genesis 17:1, Ancient of Days – Daniel 7:9, Buckler – Psalm 18:30, Consuming Fire – Hebrews 12:28-29, Creator – Isaiah 40:28, Creator of Israel – Isaiah 43:15, Crown of Glory – Isaiah 28:5, Diadem of Beauty – Isaiah 28:5, Deliverer – Psalm 70:5, Dwelling Place – Psalm 90:1, El-Roi - ###, Eternal God - ###, Everlasting God – Genesis 21:33, Everlasting King - ###, Father – Isaiah 64:8, Father of Compassion - ###, Father of Glory – Ephesians 1:17, Father of Lights – James 1:17, Father of Mercies – 2 Corinthians 1:3, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ – Colossians 1:3, Father of our Spirits - ###, Father of Spirits - ###, Father of the Heavenly Lights - ###, Fire - ###, Fortress – Jeremiah 16:19, Fountain of Living Waters – Jerimiah 2:13, Garland of Glory - ###, Glorious Crown - ###, Glorious Diadem - ###, God Most High - ###, God My Savior - ###, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Exodus 3:15, God of All Comfort – 2 Corinthians 1:3, God of All Consultation - ###, God of Glory - ###, God of Gods – Daniel 2:47, God of Heaven – Nehemiah 1:4, God of Israel - ###, God of Jacob - ###, God of My Salvation – Habakkuk 3:17-18, God of Peace – Hebrews 13:20-21, God of the Whole Earth – Isaiah 54:5, God the Father - ###, God Who Sees – Genesis 16:13, Governor – Psalm 22:28, Guide Even to the End - ###, Guide Forever - ###, Guide Unto Death – Psalm 48:14
Hiding Place – Psalm 32:7, High Tower - ###, Holy One – Isaiah 43:15, Holy One of Israel - ###, Holy One of Jacob - ###, Hope of Israel - ###, Horn of Salvation – Psalm 18:2, Husband – Jeremiah 31:31-32, I AM That I Am – Exodus 3:14, I Am Who I AM - ###, Israel’s Creator - ###, Jah – Psalm 68:4, Jehovah – Exodus 6:3, Jehovah-Jireh – Genesis 22:14, Jehovah-Nissi – Exodus 17:15, Jehovah-Shalom – Judges 6:23-24, Judge – Psalm 75:7, Judge of All - ###, Judge of All the Earth – Genesis 18:25, Judge of Israel - ###, Judge of the Earth - ###, Just One - ###, Keeper – Psalm 121:5, King – 1 Samuel 12:12, King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible – 1 Timothy 1:17, King of Glory – Psalm 24:7-10, King of Old - ###, King of Jacob - ###, King of the Ages, Immortal, Invisible - ###, King Over All the Earth - ###, Lawgiver – Isaiah 33:22, Light – Psalm 27:1, Light of Israel – Isaiah 10:17, Living God – Daniel 6:20, Lord - ###, Lord Almighty - ###, Lord God Almighty - ###, Lord God of Israel – Luke 1:68, Lord God Omnipotent - ###, Lord is My Banner - ###, Lord is Peace - ###, Lord of All the Earth - ###, Lord of Hosts – Zechariah 8:22, Lord of Sabaoth - ###, Lord of the Whole Earth - ###, Lord Our Righteousness – Jeremiah 23:6, Lord Who Heals – Exodus 15:26, Lord Who Makes You Holy - ###, Lord Who Sanctifies – Exodus 31:13, Lord Will Provide - ###, Lord Your Healer - ###
Majesty of Heavens - ###, Majesty On High – Hebrews 1:3, Maker – Job 4:17, Might - ###, Mighty One of Israel - ###, Mighty on of Jacob – Isaiah 49:26, Most High – 2 Samuel 22:14, Most High God – Genesis 14:18-19, Most High Over All the Earth - ###, Most Mighty - ###, Most Upright – Isaiah 26:7, Portion - Psalm 119:57, Portion in the Land of the Living - ###, Portion of Mine Inherence - ###, Possessor of Heaven and Earth - ###, Potter – Isaiah 64:8, Redeemer – Isaiah 54:8, Redeemer of Israel - ###, Refuge – Deuteronomy 33:27, Rock – 1 Samuel 2:2, Rock of Israel - ###, Rock of my Refuge - ###, Rock of My Salvation - ###, Rock of My Strength - ###, Salvation - ###, Shephard of Israel - ###, Shield – Psalm 5:12, Song – Isaiah 12:2, Spring of Living Water - ###, Stone of Israel - ###, Strength – Exodus 15:2, Strength of Israel - ###, Stronghold - ###, Strong Tower - ###, Sun - ###, Tower - ###, Upright One - ###, Wall of Fire – Zechariah 2:5, Yahweh - ###
A Triune God
The God Jehovah is actually made up three persons (though not really persons like we would think of persons). This is known as the Trinity. Each is fully God. They are referred to as Father (sometimes referred to as the God Head), Son and Holy Ghost. Unlike the mythological gods, these three ‘persons’ have a perfect unity and are not in disagreement on anything. God Himself would be difficult enough to understand, but a three person God is mind boggling. Biblical scholars may know all of the attributes of God, but they can’t fully comprehend Him (Job 11:7).
** Note ** Several “Christian faiths" do not believe in the Trinity. It is a detriment to their doctrine, leading to inaccurate teaching of the Bible, and demoting Jesus Christ from God to prophet.
Typically, the Old Testament simply refers to God. Though this is correct, it may be better to understand that that when the word God is used, it may be more fitting for Father, Son or Holy Spirit to have been used. This Is not that God wasn’t accurate or didn’t know how to write, it is simply a result of what He has revealed of Himself to the Jews at point in time and out knowledge of the Bible now days.
If no specific attribute of the Father, Son or Holy Ghost is mentioned when Speaking of God, typically, the Bible simply says God.
We are first given a hint that there is a multipart God in Genesis 1:26. God says, “Let us make mankind in our image…”. He isn’t describing a physical look but the giving of portion of the attributes of God to man. More on this will be discussed later in the Creation and Evolution debates.
John 1:1–3 in his prologue was describing Jesus as the Word that was with God (2 persons) and the Word was God (the Triune God). However, the Granddaddy of the proof of the Trinity is in Jesus’ own Words (Matthew 28:18–20). There are many more verses that confirm that God is mad of 2 or three other parts. Never is there any scriptures that make reference to more than 3.
How To Know God
A lot of religions leave an individual to discover who god or God is. However, God (Jehovah) has told us everything that we need to know about Him (James 1:22, Luke 11:28, Matthew 4:4, Proverbs 2:6, James 1:21, John 1:14). He delivered His words through the prophets (Jeremiah 25:4, Luke 11:49). So instead of looking throughout the world, searching through countless manuscripts, and then making our best guess as to who God is, Gad says just look though my Word (Jeremiah 29:13). He made Himself known to man (Isaiah 65:1) perhaps not the limit that we would like but the limit that we needed (2 Timothy 3:16).
God didn’t make create or make man on a whim. He had a plan (see the article “Who is God and Where Do I Fit In?”). He had a purpose for all man to live with Him eternally (2 Peter 3:9).
His limitations
Despite being all-powerful and all-knowing, there are things God cannot do. What? Just above, you stated that God can do all things (Matthew 19:26).
God cannot or will not…
Stand to be in the presence of Sin - Isaiah 59:2, Proverbs 15:29, Jeremiah 5:25, Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10
Change - Malachi 3:6, Psalm 102:27, James 1:17 and similarly Stop His Intent cannot be stopped - Daniel 4:35, Job 42:2, Proverbs 21:30, Isaiah 43:13, Acts 5:39,
Lie - Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18, Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29. Similarly, His Words cannot be broken because if they could, He would essentially be lying - 1 Peter 1:25, Psalm 12:7, Matthew 5:18, Matthew 24:35. Neither can He break a promise - Psalm 89:34, Leviticus 26:44. Last but not least no one can Annul His law - Psalm 111:7–8, Matthew 5:17–18, Luke 21:33
Gad cannot refuse the broken hearted - Psalm 102:17, Psalm 138:6
And best of all, GOD CANNOT STOP LOVING YOU - 1 John 4:19, Jeremiah 31:3, Deuteronomy 7:7–9, Titus 3:3–6, 2 Peter 3:9
Are there to many verses listed for each item in the limitations?
God also being logical is unable to create an unmovable object and then not be able to move it. This is just silliness that many have come up with to try to first deny the plausibility of an all-powerful God; they need to mature (1 Corinthians 13:11, Isaiah 32:6, Psalm 14:1). Secondly as a mechanism to try to trip up Christians (and other people that believe in a God) they speak foolishly (Proverbs 15:21). The Lord is would never allow Himself to be corned like this (Isaiah 55:8) and the questioner only appears foolish (Proverbs 18:13).
Last updated on Aug 11, 2020
These were removed from the Why God article. Maybe they will be discussed here at a later date.
- What God is not
- Why did God Create?
- Why did God allow Sin?
- Why will God banish people to hell?
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Last updated on Aug 11, 2020
More information on the Trinity can be found at: