Last updated on Aug 4, 2020
Origins? Why? Why does it even matter? Well, if there isn’t a higher power, it doesn’t matter. Without a higher power, origins doesn’t matter. Where a person came form doesn’t matter. Howa person lives their life doesn’t matter. What they leave behind doesn’t matter.
If there is no higher power for which to rally the lives of those that died, then nothing anyone does really matters. A person lives, then dies; is here today, gone tomorrow; and then there is nothing more of that person.
However, if there is a higher power, then maybe things can matter. Maybe the higher power has a plan and the ability to implement a plan. With a higher power, maybe there is something of an individual left after they die.
Many religions refer to the higher power as god. The Jewish and Christian religion knows the high power, and it is God. Though God is known to the Jews, they have a limited understanding of Him, because they don’t recognize all of the Old Testament books nor do they recognize Jesus Christ as the (their) Messiah.
God is not a flitting god. Before He created anything, He had a plan. The plan was to spend eternity with those that want to spend eternity with Him. And those that don’t, themselves choose to spend eternity in Hell.
Because of this, Origins matters. Because of this, truthful and accurate knowledge of Origins matters. Because of the Love that Christians have for God, which requires them to love everyone, Christian’s wants everyone to know of the real Origins of everything. Because to not believe in a God driven Origins, that He created everything, is to not believe in God, which will result in eternity in Hell.
Christians do not want this. God doesn’t want this. Evolution is a tool to help keep people out of heaven and send them off to Hell. By refuting and disproving evolution, Christians are trying to help people see God. Christians that debate evolution are trying got show that is more. Has anyone ever saw a debate between two Origins where one was not Christian? No. Why? What does the other offer other than maybe acclaim to have won or to be right. Nothing.
Origins, at least how this site dals with it, is a HHH of two opposing views. One says that everything somehow through natural events came into existence; it just happened. The other says that an all power, all knowing God, with forethought, made everything and forth sustaining laws of how that creation will function.
There are many different avenues of how Christians became Christians and how they come to understand who God is. But there a lot of things that get in peoples way of not seeing or accepting God for whom He is. There are many things which keep us from seeing or seek God and evolution I one such trick. People who believe in evolution cannot believe in God. They are diabolically opposed religions. Neither can be marginalized so that they can be compatible with each other. Belief in evolution does not allow for belief in God or god. Belief in God cannot tolerate belief in evolution.
This site the majority of its material is going to be related to the Creation and Evolution debate. I make no apologies in stating that the site is very biased toward a universe created in 6 days roughly 6,000 years ago by God. I’m biased not just because I have accepted God, but because evolution is a lie, which will be shown throughout the site) and how can one defend a lie once they know the truth?
But before we get into Origins, I wanted to go through and show why people can believe in a created universe; one made by a Creator. We’ll look to the Bible to see why it can be trusted. And if it can be trusted, then maybe what it says about God can be also. And if God can be trusted, then what He says about how He did things should be possible.
We will use true scientific principles to analyze data, the same data used by both sides of the debate, and draw conclusions as to which model or theory fits best.
Last updated on Aug 8, 2020
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Why? Introduction
Last updated on June 3, 2020
Despite that Evolution doesn’t make sense and is false, there really is no reason to argue or discredit it if there isn’t anything better. I don’t mean a different theory that also doesn’t include a maker or designer (God). I mean, if there isn’t a God, then why should anyone really care how all this came about?
I firmly believe that there is a God. The Judaeo/Christian God of the Bible. And I believe that He has told us how all this came to be; He created it. It didn’t evolve. It didn’t just happen by accident. In fact, He not only created it, He had a reason and a plan for creating it before He even started creating it.
And His word, method and reason is totally contradictory to what, why and how main stream science says all this came to be. Evolution. There is no way possible to even to begin to blend, rectify, or merge the two “Beginnings” or “Origins”.
Originally, my method of apologetics was to define the definition of science, make a few statements as to how Beginnings/Evolution is not science, and then jump into the secular Big Bang and Christian Creation arguments and differences.
So I have changed my strategy to show first why I believe there is a Christian God and why, using His Word, the 66 book Bible, He is who He claims to be and that He and His Word is trustworthy. Usually, I would save this toward the end of my apologetics but now I use it before and after.
Why does it even matter? Well, go read my article entitled, “Who Is God and Where Do I Fit In”? It’ll lay the ground work the remainder of my “WHYs”, even the whole web site attempts to convey, and that is that God loves you! God just didn’t make all this stuff and you a part of it, He purposely made all this Stuff for you, the pinnacle of His creation! To show His glory and to share the eternal glory with you.
That’s why it matters to Christians. Because if you don’t share in His eternal glory, you are separated from Him into eternal damnation.
Please read the rest of the WHYs (when or as I finish them), as this will introduce you to God, show evidences that the Bible is trustworthy, true and believable, and finally, why the God of the Bible is the one and only true God.